Must Reads

New Name, Same Great Team

January 13, 2021
Nathan Jones Law is now Jones & Ueligger Law. On January 13, 2021, we officially have ...

What is Estate Planning?

October 7, 2020
It’s time to do some late spring cleaning that you’ve been putting off for months. That’s right, ...

Choosing Your Power of Attorney

September 23, 2020
Have you ever heard the term “power of attorney,” but questioned what it meant or what the ...

The Seasonality of Family Law

September 21, 2020
Just like when you garden in the spring and decorate your family’s Christmas tree in the winter, ...

Do you need a buy/sell agreement?

January 30, 2017

If you are asking this question, the answer is almost certainly YES. So, let’s start with “what is a buy-sell agreement?” In short, a buy-sell is an agreement between you and the other owner(s) of your business that lays out what would happen if you or another owner no longer wants to or no longer…read more

Do I Need a Will?

This is a question I hear all the time. “Do I need a will?” The answer a resounding “maybe.” The better question is, “Do I need a plan?” and the answer is a for sure “YES!” A will might be the only planning you need, or it might be only a small part of your…read more

Does a will avoid probate?

I get this question all the time. “Does a will avoid probate?” Absolutely not! Your will is actually a road map through probate. If you have an asset that goes through probate, your will controls the distribution of that asset. Conversely, any assets that avoid probate are NOT controlled by your will. Believing that wills…read more

When is the best time to start a business?

When is the best time to start a business? When should you take the plunge, so to speak? The short (and annoying answer) is of course, when you’re ready. But being “ready” is different for everyone. Here are a few things to consider: Replacing your income. Most budding entrepreneurs already have a job. Are you dependent on…read more

How do I name a guardian for my kids?

If you have small children, you have probably asked, “How do I name a guardian for my kids if something happens to me?” It’s an important question to ask yourself. Unfortunately, all too many parents stop at that step. Or they tell their parents or brother or friend that they want them to take care…read more

Do you want to play Inheritance Roulette?

January 29, 2017

This is the first post in a series about family scenarios and situations that place someone in a “higher need” category to get their planning done. Nearly everyone needs to have some kind of estate planning (perhaps a simple will and powers of attorney, for example) in place, but some people absolutely MUST get good…read more